Vidacare’s study to compare Intraosseous (IO) vascular access to infuse chilled saline as effectively as peripheral intravenous (IV) access to achieve therapeutic hypothermia showed no statistical difference between the two routes.
The study was named ‘Infusing Chilled Saline Through the Intraosseous Route is Equivalent to Infusion Through the Intravenous Route in Reducing the Core Temperature in Swine.’
It investigated whether Intraosseous (IO) vascular access may be effectively used to infuse chilled saline to achieve Therapeutic hypothermia (TH) as an alternative to peripheral intravenous (IV) access.
It was observed that IO and IV temperature reductions were statistically equivalent, and concluded no clinical or statistical difference between IV and IO when comparing the two routes for infusion of chilled saline for therapeutic hypothermia.
The research used the EZ-IO Intraosseous Infusion System, a battery-powered device to establish immediate vascular access and the only IO device which is FDA cleared for humeral insertion.