Reading Scientific Services (RSSL) will launch a new suite of flavour services in April, which include sophisticated flavour analysis.
Analysis services can identify and quantify key flavour compounds, and match analytical with sensory data for effective optimisation of ingredients and process.
RSSL’s new offering can profile a product’s volatile compounds, identify the key aroma compounds and provide insight into flavour release over time.
Thoroughly understanding aspects of a product’s flavour is the key to improving and optimising its formulation.
By identifying components that characterise a product’s distinctive flavour, RSSL will assist manufacturers in selecting ingredients and processes to produce the desired outcome in a cost-effective and efficient manner.
Understanding which components are producing a flavour is also a safeguard in case a change of formulation is required.
Alternative ingredients producing a similar effect can more easily be identified. It is crucial to understand flavour change over time for optimisation and claims substantiation.