Omar Ali is the Formulary Development Pharmacist for Surrey & Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust and also sits on the External reference Group for Cost Impact Modelling for NICE. eyeforpahrma have been working closely with Omar Ali and together have produced an agenda to discuss how the NHS can partner more closed with pharma. As part of this initiative they have launched a value based pricing podcast series.
They will cover:
•   How value based pricing will affect pharma on a global scale and how this will affect your products chance of reimbursement
•   How therapies will be assessed in order to increase the chances of approval
•   What impact VBP will have on innovation initiatives and how you can overcome the challenges created by the new system
•   The New Government White Paper: impact on PCTs, GP Clusters and Consortia
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Mike Stoneman
Global Marketing Coordinator
+44 (0)20 7375 7559