Official website:
Expert Speaker Panel 2015 includes: Thomas Grubb, Manager, Cold Chain Strategy, American Airlines; Brad Elrod, Sr. Manager, Global Logistics Security, Pfizer Pharmaceuticals; Lorant Kovacs, Cold Chain Key Account Manager Americas, Life Sciences & Healthcare, Lufthansa German Airlines; Michelle Arnot-Kruger, Health Specialist, Health Programmes, UNICEF; Mary Foster, Chair, Packaging and Storage Expert Committee, US Pharmacopeia (USP); Harvey Rubin, Professor of Medicine, Microbiology and Computer Science, University Of Pennsylvania; Stephen Hsu, CEO & CSO, Prometheon Pharma LLC; Jeff Clark, Founder & CEO, 7PSolutions LLC; Oumer Salim, Principal Consultant, o2s Consulting, LLC and many more.
The event agenda will feature 4 case study based presentations on maintaining Good Distribution Practice, implementing strategies to enhancing traceability and monitoring in international operations and understanding temperature monitoring to enhance performance qualification.
Event attendees include GMP Compliance Specialists, Directors of Global Demand Planning & Customer Operations, Purchasing and Distribution Manager, Head of Distribution and Logistics, Heads of Packaging, Directors of Regulatory Affairs, International Suppliers Managers, QA and QC Directors and Heads of Corporate Supply Chain Operations, representing leading pharmaceutical companies, academia, regulatory bodies and service providers.
The event programme includes a Site Visit to American Airlines PHL Pharma Facility at Philadelphia International Airport. Event attendees will observe live operations to get a true understanding on how one of the largest cargo networks is run.
Complete event programme available at the official event website:
Delegate enquiries: Contact Fateja Begum on +44 (0) 207 827 6184 or e-mailÂ
Sponsor and exhibitor enquiries: Contact Alia Malick on +44 (0) 207 827 6088,
Contact for media partners: Julia Rotar, marketing manager,
Cold Chain Distribution North America
24-25 June 2015
Renaissance Woodbridge Hotel, Iselin, New Jersey, USA