3rd Biotechnology World Congress hosted by Eureka Science Ltd. is a highly reputed event withing the industry. In the year 2014 is is getting conducted from 10th February to 12th February has now announced the list of their Advisory Board Members
Along with the Advisory Board Members also please find the list of Plenary Speakers and Invited Speakers of the event mentioned below for your perusal.
Advisory Board Members
FeridMurad (USA), Nobel Laureate | EkatherinaCharvalos(Greece) |
Jean-Marie Lehn (France), Nobel Laureate | Jim Dunwell(United Kingdom) |
Robert Huber (Germany), Nobel Laureate | JiÅ™ÃDamborský(Czech Republic) |
Hartmut Michel (Germany), Nobel Laureate | George Guo-Qiang Chen (China) |
Edmond H. Fischer (USA), Nobel Laureate | Taleb H. Al-Tel (UAE) |
Maciek R. Antoniewicz(USA) | MattheosKoffas(USA) |
Joaquim M.S. Cabral (Portugal) | Roberto Tuberosa(Italy) |
Anthony P.F. Turner (Sweden) |
Plenary Speakers:
Ferid Murad (USA), Nobel Laureate | Robert Huber (Germany), Nobel Laureate |
Edmond H. Fischer (USA), Nobel Laureate |
Invited Speakers:
Maher S. Amer(USA) | Paolo Benanti(Italy) |
Sherif M. Karam(United Arab Emirates) | Takeshi Imai (Japan) |
Tai-HorngYoung (Taiwan) | MariuszSkwarczynski(Australia) |