Drug Research

This Drug Research section covers latest in Pharma drug research updates & Pharmaceutical drug research news & Pharma industry research and developments.

B. Braun Cefepime Now Available in Duplex drug delivery system

B. Braun,  In an effort to meet industry demands for expanded Cephalosporin offerings delivered to...

Newly Published Caldolor(R) Clinical Data Demonstrates 77% Reduction in Fever in Hospitalized Patients

Cumberland Pharmaceuticals Inc. announced the publication of data affirming the safety and efficacy of Caldolor(R)...

Scripps Research Study Challenges Conventional Theory of Modern Drug Design

Scientists from The Scripps Research Institute have uncovered new evidence that challenges the current theory...

What do mapping and imaging techniques add to traditional spectroscopic analysis for pharmaceutical applications?

With bulk or traditional single point spectroscopy, one spectrum is collected for each sample using...