Michael Naimark

Michael Naimark is Director of Business Development at CBSET Inc., a GLP-compliant preclinical translational research institute located in Lexington, Massachusetts. Following a career as a study director and project manager, Michael focuses on client-centered outreach in developing new services and capabilities. He holds an MS degree in neurobiology from the University of Tennessee Medical Center and is a co-author of several peer-reviewed publications with an emphasis on stem cell biology and retinal physiology.
Company:CBSET Inc
500 Shire Way, Lexington, MA,USA – is a not-for-profit translational research institute specializing in the evaluation of drugs, biotherapeutics, combination products, and medical devices. We provide preclinical services, including in-life testing, histopathology, and regulatory consulting.Our GLP-compliant facilities host a multidisciplinary team of medical, scientific and regulatory experts who actively collaborate in getting novel technologies to market.